This is a decade of Divine Increase. After great inner toil and wrestling, Adonai showers favor upon us as we keep our faith and eyes stayed upon Him.
Giving honor to the Most High who is the head of my life, these points have been revealed :
*Work to keep your heart pure.
*Find rest by cultivating gentleness and humility.
*The Most High will provide solace for you in your time of need and will not give you more than you can bear.
*Adonai loves you and will heal any anxiety you face. Give your anxieties to Him.
The scripture for the decade is Psalm 81.
The plant of the decade is white pompon.
Verses to pray over the decade are 1Peter 5:7., Proverbs 23:7., Psalm 1., Psalm 118:17-21
Because He lives,
Prophetess Mary Ayodele
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